Helping You Figure Out Eye Care With These Simple Tips

Eye care is a topic that doesn’t seem to get much attention today. Few people discuss it with loved ones or even with their doctor. Thankfully, you know it’s important and have found this article, so check out the great ideas found below on taking good care of your eyes.

In order to follow the best possible eye care practices, be sure to see only highly qualified professionals for examinations and prescriptions. Speak to loved ones to get recommendations on the best eye doctors in your area. You definitely want to seek out the best eye care for sure.

Don’t smoke. You probably already know that there are many serious dangers related to cigarette smoking. One of the less-known dangers is developing Age-related Macular Degeneration(AMD). Several scientific studies have shown that the patients who did smoke were much more likely to develop AMD than those who didn’t smoke. Just another reason not to start smoking or to quit today.

Cucumbers are great for healing puffy eyes. Cut a couple slices and place them on each eye, and rest for about 20 minutes. When you get up, your eyes will be refreshed and feel better. Do this as needed, and you will keep the area surrounding your eyes looking healthy and young.

While many understand the importance of sunglasses in the summer, most may not realize how important they are during winter. There is still sunlight, and the snow definitely reflects much light. Even without snow, sun still illuminates the sky, whether it’s cloudy or not.

If you regularly wear contacts, keep a pair of backup prescription eye glasses. When experiencing irritation in the eye, you should remove the contact and wear a pair of prescription eye glasses. Keeping a contact lens in your eye while the eye is irritated can turn this seemingly small problem into something much larger, such as corneal ulcer.

Avoid glare when possible, including that from your electronic devices. Glare is a concentration of bright light, so you know it is not good for your eyes. If you are using your device where glare is an issue, you should purchase an anti-glare screen protector for your laptop, phone or tablet.

If you suffer from dry eyes, this can be painful. You may want to try a high quality saline drop. In addition, little things, such as blinking, can increase tear production. Try to avoid using products that are filled with chemicals. Over time, these may actually worsen your dry eyes.

Visit a vision specialist at least once a year for a comprehensive exam. Even if you can see fine, there may be issues going on. If left undetected, some of them can create huge problems down the line. Properly treated, you may be able to avoid vision challenges that were headed your way.

If you are a smoker, butt out! Of course, smoking will lead your eyes to yellow and the skin around them to wrinkle and thin. On top of that, smoking is linked to a high risk of macular degeneration, cataracts and even damage to the optic nerve, all of which can lead to blindness.

In order to minimize eye stress, take breaks when you have to spend long periods of time working in front of a computer. Even taking a two-minute break every half hour makes a huge difference when it comes to the toll that the work takes on your eyes, and you will be more productive.

To soothe puffy eyes, place a slice of a cold cucumber on top of each eyelid. The coolness from the cucumber slices will calm the puffiness and give your eyes relief. Leave the slices on your eyes for about ten minutes before you sleep at night to reduce minor inflammation.

If you are staring at the television or computer for long periods of time, take breaks often. By walking around, you not only re-energize yourself, but you also increase your blood flow. This will deliver more oxygen and blood to your eyes and relieve their strain.

If you want to maintain your eyes healthy and you are a smoker, quit smoking. Smokers are more prone to getting optic nerve damage, macular degeneration and cataracts. If you have attempted to quit smoking before and have failed, keep trying. If you need extra motivation, think about the damage smoking can do to your eyes.

Keep some form of artificial tear drops around. A lot of eye strain is related to improperly lubricated eyes. By using drops, you can increase the thickness and amount of lubrication your eyes need. If you are sensitive to preservatives, look for a brand that is preservative-free to avoid creating more symptoms.

See an optometrist. As you get older, your eyes do not work as well as they once did. You may not have needed glasses your entire life, but its a good idea to see an optometrist every year, the same as you see a dentist every few months. An optometrist will be able to tell you how your eyes are doing, and you can get glasses if necessary.

Treat contact lenses with great care. Research has shown that a surprisingly high number of individuals don’t take care of their contact lenses well. Of course this situation can cause an infection as well as vision loss and eye irritation. Never use saliva to moisten contacts. The mouth has a lot of bacteria, some that can cause eye infections. Also, rest your eyes a bit by ditching the contacts and wearing glasses at least once weekly.

It’s a shame that more people don’t talk about caring for their eyes, but when they lose their vision, it’ll be too late. You’ve learned all you can today, so you are prepared to care for your eyes. Be sure to let others in on what you know so they can do the same themselves.

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